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Within five years, to annually identify, train, and connect a minimum of 10,000 active and retired professionals as volunteers to a comprehensive and robust Social Development Coalition promoting a set of validated and coordinated initiatives that enhance and expand social enterprises and social institutions and their outcomes starting in Lagos State. The Social Development Coalition will focus on bringing together all of the social development  enterprises and institutions to work toward a single vision of global effectiveness and leadership.

Within five years, to identify, train, and connect a minimum of 2,000 university students within that Coalition as volunteers and also, in some cases, as recipients of the services of the Network including mentoring and connections to internships.

Within five years, we will successfully recruit and deploy annually a minimum of 1,000 Nigerian, African American, and other professionals residing in the Americas and Europe as volunteers who strive to build the organizational capacity and impact of social development enterprises and institutions in Lagos State and Nigeria.

To have each professional among the initial 10,000 executive volunteers commit to an average of four hours of volunteering weekly, which will generate 200 hours of targeted, coordinated, and validated executive service per year, per volunteer. (Within five years 1,000,000 hours per year and increasing.)

To be catalyst with a Nigerian university partner for the development and maintenance of the first comprehensive national database of volunteers, volunteer opportunities, and their broad impact on national social development.


By 2024, to have demonstrated the power and impact of the Coalition and Network while expanding beyond Lagos State into a second of Nigeria’s six regions, with the intention of ultimately extending into all six regions.

To establish the capacity for self-regeneration and growth of the Network so that it ultimately engages hundreds of thousands of volunteers annually across all of Nigeria and its Diaspora, thereby significantly reducing the volunteerism gap that exists between Nigeria and the USA. Moreover, we will vastly expand a culture of volunteerism and philanthropy across Nigeria.

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